How to arrive

How to reach Piazza San Marco in the Municipality of Enego

Albergo San Marco has been located in the square with the same name in the Municipality of Enego since 1911. To reach our structure at 800 meters above sea level, the most accessible and immediate way is the Provincial Road 76, which can be reached from the SS47 and the SP349. Going along the road inside the city center, follow the indication ‘Piazza San Marco’. The hotel is immediately visible. For more details on how to reach Piazza San Marco from the main Venetian cities and for details on available public transport, contact our reception.

San Marco square and historical places

During your stay at the hotel, you can discuss with the staff about possible visits of historical, cultural and artistic interest in the area of the Municipality of Enego and in the nearby cities. Here below, a list of the symbolic monuments of Asiago area:

  • Enego: Parish Church of Santa Giustina
  • Gallium: St. John the Baptist Church of Stoccareddo
  • Foza: Parish church of Foza
  • Conco: Church of Santa Caterina of Lusiana
  • Lusiana: Archpriestal Church of San Giacomo
  • Roana: Parish of San Luigi Gonzaga of Treschè Conca.

Direct access to hiking routes

Moving out from our structure, you will be able to venture into trekking and Nordic walking routes, for horseback riding or mountain biking. In winter, the area is ideal for cross-country skiing enthusiasts or for snowshoeing.

Here below, naturalistic attractions:

  • Brenta River
  • Ortigara peaks
  • Cima XII
  • Trekking on the routes of the First World War.